Friday, March 26, 2010

Sweet green dreams

I would like to dedicate this fabulous morning post to Sarah (ballz) Bahlibi Makeup. You can check out her steez here She does some craycray Boy George and also one mean bald head -- among other more beautifying skills...

In other news, Californians really may be licking up that blunt wrap, in the privacy of their homes, without worry of police harassment. The state will be voting whether to legalize the green stuff in November. Not just for sick people or those in pain, but for every JoeBlow in the state to legally buy marijuana. As part of the bill, some counties could opt-out, though with the projection of an extra $1 bill in taxes, cash-strapped Cali may just say Yes!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

valentines yay

some valentines i made this year. next time, mass production!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

yes, yes, butcher, yes.

Some inspiration for BUTCHER DESIGN's new business cards.

this one in partics.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Ghosts series

opening things upsidedown, ink and watercolor on paper

phone rang:white cat, ink and watercolor on paper

your nails, ink and watercolor on paper

The Prophets series

where you are, ink on paper

a strange voyage, ink on paper

it's time now, ink on paper

from whence you came, ink on paper

enough is enough, ink on paper


unfinished, ink on paper

self-portrait, gouache and graphite on paper